
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Timbaktu Collective -- Couple of the Year

The Week has a wonderful cover story on the "Timbaktu Collective " -- An NGO that is doing phenomenal work in AP. Mary & Bablu responsible for this movement , feature on the cover and have been named the "couple of the year".

"Ideas nurtured in the Timbaktu Colle-ctive were taken to the villages in CK Palli, Roddam and Ramgiri mandals. From natural regeneration of wasteland, organic farming, propagation of traditional food crops and soil conservation to women's and Dalit empowerment and rural health, Timbaktu has a whole range of rural activity based on the three R's: regeneration, rejuvenation and revitalisation.

The Collective never made the decisions; rather, it allowed the villagers to take over decision-making. The villagers eagerly formed vanasamrakshana (forest protection) committees that restricted grazing to designated areas and prevented overgrazing. The committees formed groups to fight fires and to draw fire lines in summer. Soil conservation was achieved by building rock-filled and mud check dams in the valleys, and digging trenches and pits along the slopes. What they practised in Timbaktu was replicated in the surrounding villages. Today, Timbaktu Collective has helped transform 10,000 acres of denuded hills into verdant slopes."


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